User's Manual

5.1 Start up*
Once the xture is switched On, the boot process starts and the following information will appear on the display:
Ready to ROXX, the product name and the current software version.
After this process, the xture is ready for operation, and starts in the previously enabled mode.
During boot process the fan spins up quickly to blow out some possible
dust from last use.
5.2 Control Display*
OLED Display with Touch-Sensitive controls
Press ENTER to access the selection menu for system settings or conrm changes.
Press ESC to take a step back in the menu.
Press arrows to scroll up and down inside the menu and change values, such as DMX address.
For a smooth navigation thru the menu settings, please make sure the display surface is dry and dust free.
After approximately 1 minute of inactivity inside the menu settings, the display will automatically jump back
to home screen.
5.3 Display Short Cuts*
Short Cuts
For some always recurring functions the xture allows quick and user-friendly access at home screen over some dis-
play control short-cuts:
User Reset or Factory Reset*
Pressing ESC+ENTER simultaneously a Factory Reset or User Reset can be started.
By using the up/down arrows the Factory- or User Reset can be selected.
For conrming press ENTER, to jump back please press ESC.
After Factory Reset all xture settings are set back to factory default values.
After User Reset all user selected reset functions and user default values will set back.
Also a short self-test will start immediately while dimming in and out each single color.