Operator's Manual

Page 17
Version 1.4
Copyright © 2019 RSAE Labs
08-Apr -2019
4. Installation
This section describes how to install the GS-6C on an ISO 20’ or 40’ container.
If appropriate, charge the battery prior to installation as described in Section 3 above.
Place the GS-6C unit on the ISO container
beam as shown.
Center the unit on the beam between the
locking bars as shown.
Strong magnets should pull the unit into place
on the beam and hold it there until the doors
are closed.
CAUTION: If using a ladder, follow all
appropriate safety precautions associated
with its use. Do not stand the ladder
immediately underneath the device in case
the device it falls.
CAUTION: Installation personnel must not
stand underneath the GS-6C unit while it is
being held in place with magnets in case the
unit works free and falls. Allow the unit to fall
to the ground rather than allowing it to strike
installation personnel.
WARNING: Failure to remain clear of the
device when it is held with magnets may
result in injury or death.
Close the left container door sandwiching half
of the GS-6C hookplate as shown.
Verify that the unit remains in the center of
the door stanchions.
Verify the installation appears as shown in
this picture. Specifically, the unit should be
centered between the stanchions and the
seals should overlap the hookplate.