Operator's Manual

Page 18
Version 1.4
Copyright © 2019 RSAE Labs
08-Apr -2019
After 5 minutes, verify on the DMC that the
container door state is shown as “Closed” and
the security state is “Armed”.
5. Removal
This section describes how to remove the GS-6C on an ISO 20’ or 40’ container.
WARNING: Do not stand directly beneath or within 2 foot of the drop area of the GS-6C as the doors
are being opened. Failure to follow this rule may result in injury or death.
Start with both container doors closed as
Open the right container door leaving the
GS-6C sandwiched on between the left
door and the container beam.
Carefully open the left door attempting to
keep the GS-6C up against the container
beam. The goal is to leave the unit on
the beam as shown without the unit
falling from the beam.
If the unit moves while the left door is
being opened, have a second person
climb into the container and hold the unit
from the battery pack as it is removed.
CAUTION: It is very important that
personnel not stand under the GS-6C
device during this phase as the device
may fall.