Operator's Manual

Page 22
Version 1.4
Copyright © 2019 RSAE Labs
08-Apr -2019
7.5. Battery Meter
The GS-6C calculates its battery usage based upon the frequency of sensor reads, the number and
length of GPS/GNSS cycles and the number and length of communication cycles. The estimated
remaining battery capacity and battery voltage is reported to the DMC. The DMC can be configured to
alert users when the battery capacity is below a threshold value or the battery voltage is at a critical value.
In addition to reporting the battery capacity and voltage to the DMC, the Sys LED can be used as an
estimate of the battery capacity. By tilting the unit from flat to upright, the LED will momentarily light as
LED Color
Battery Capacity
20 – 49%
While only a guide, this can provide the end user with an approximate indication of the remaining battery
capacity. RSAE Labs suggests that before any deployment of the GS-6C that the battery pack is
recharged to ensure near 100% battery capacity.