Users Manual Part 2

78 BTR-80N, TR-80N, TR-82N
Battery Information
Improper battery selection, use, installation, and care are the
cause of numerous wireless systems failures.
Alkaline Batteries: Alk
aline batteries such as Eveready’s
most reliable operation in wireless transceivers.
The use of low cost carbon-zinc batteries is NOT
Nickel-Metal Hydride Batteries: These batteries can save you
money in the long run, as they can be recharged. Typical battery
life is a little less than the length of time alkaline batteries last.
Battery Warnings
Do not place alkaline battery packs in any battery charger.
Severe charger and battery pack damage may occur!
Batteries that have been dropped, or otherwise damaged,
ould not be used and should be discarded properly
Dropping batteries can crack t
he internal casing cau
age or rupture resulting in personal injury or propert
Insert batteries properly, with the plus (+) and minus (-)
terminals aligned correctly!
Do not mix old and new batteries, batteries of different
pes, or batteries of different brands. This can cause leakage
or rupture, resulting in personal injury or property damage!
Immediately remove exhausted batteries from the battery
and dispose of properly.
Replace all used batteries in your device at the same time.
Do not put batteries or battery-powered devices in very
warm places. Extreme tempe
ratures reduce battery
rmance and may also lead to leakage.
Use only high quality AA sized alkaline batteries in the
battery packs.
When not in use, disconnect battery pack, remove and store
batteries in a cool, dry place at normal room temperature
til ready to use.
Keep battery contact surfaces clean by gently rubbing with a
clean pencil eraser or cloth.
Battery Life
Alkaline, 11-13 hours typical
Nickel-Metal Hybrid, 1
0-12 hours typical
Alkaline, 8-10 hours typical
Nickel-Metal Hybrid, 7-9 hours typical
Energizer® is a registered tradem
ark of Union Carbide
Cold Temperatures and Batteries
The battery life times listed in this section are at room
temperature. Alkaline and Nickel-Metal Hydride battery service
hours fall off significantly at low temperature due to battery
chemistry. Alkaline batteries typically have less than half their
room temperature service life if used at freezing
32° F (0° C). If you use
Alkaline and Nickel-Metal Hybrid
batteries at low temperatures, you need to change them more
Another solution is using Lithium AA cells if beltpacks are to be
sed in very cold temperatures. Lithium batteries, like the
Energizer ultimate Lithium AA cells, are excellent batteries for
cold temperatures. At 15° F (-9° C), Lithium AA cells will last
about seven (7) times longer than Alkaline batteries. This
equates to two (2) hours for Alkaline vs. 14 hours for Lithium.
However, the trade off is Lithium batteries cost more and are
less environmentally-friendly than Alkaline batteries.