Product specifications

12-Postition Rackmount Keypanel
Value Keypanel Series
The RTS value keypanel series is ideal where simplicity of operation and cost are paramount. The keypanels share a
common set of features across the entire family. The alphanumeric call waiting window is used for scrollable access to
all ports, PLs, ISOs, IFBs, etc. and to check and make key assignments. Keys may be assigned to any intercom function
including talk, listen, talk/listen, relay, PL, ISO, IFB and SL. All models use the optional RTS MCP-90 series gooseneck
microphones. These keypanels are ideal for use with the Zeus series intercom matrices, but (like all RTS digital matrix
intercom keypanels) are compatible with all RTS matrices, past and present. The RTS value keypanel series provides
a scribble strip for key identification.
Kaplin Medical Education Services Uses RTS to Link Their Exam Rooms
Kaplin Medical Educational Services of Newark, NJ uses an RTS Zeus-based system to communicate between 12
examination rooms, two wireless proctors and a 3-position control/monitor center� A team of licensed physicians
located in the control room monitor and evaluate student physicians in the exam rooms on various medical practices
and procedures via small, ceiling-mounted video cameras and an intercom station� If assistance is required, the
student contacts the control room via a wallmounted WKP-4 station� Based on the situation, the licensed physician,
using an MKP-12 station, either talks the student through the problem or contacts a roving proctor� The roving
proctor, using an RKP-4 wireless 4-channel beltpack, talks with the control room, the exam room and/or a second
roving proctor to resolve the problem�
| Digital Matrix