Product specifications

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IFB System Peripherals
Digital Matrix IFB System Partyline IFB System
Interrupt Fold Back (IFB) is a broadcast term used to
describe the process of cueing on-air talent. RTS IFB
equipment is designed with a modular approach that
meets the needs of not only large television networks, but
can also be configured for any one-way communication
needs. With multiple program audio sources and individual
or simultaneous interrupts, the RTS series of IFB and ISO
products is perfect for any talent-cueing need.
The 4010 is a central IFB electronics station. It contains
all necessary control functions and electronics, including
line power, to provide an active link between the 4001,
4002 and 4003 control stations and the 4030 and IFB-325
user stations.
The IFB-828 interfaces up to eight 4030 or IFB-325
beltpacks to any RTS digital matrix intercom system and
provides power to the beltpacks. The IFB-828 may also be
used as a simple program interface to feed two separate
program sources to each of eight 4030 beltpacks (16
program sources to eight beltpacks total).
The 4030 and IFB-325 are listen-only beltpacks with
two and one channels, respectively. The 4030 contains
electronics to provide a stereo audio signal to the user.
The IFB-325 provides a mono (either interrupt/non-
interrupt selected via 4010) audio signal to the user. The
4030 and IFB-325 feature volume controls in extruded
aluminum cases. For earset options see page 34.
The 4001 and 4003 are IFB control stations with four
and 12 channels, respectively, thus the control stations
separate talent feeds per channel plus one Stage
Announce send. The control stations feature two distinct
audio sends per IFB channel for interrupt/non-interrupt
or multiple program feeds. Each unit has illuminated
switches, supports four priority levels and a gooseneck
mic connector. An optional rack kit is also available.
Requires one 4010 central IFB. 4001 is not displayed.