Installation Guide

Note: You must not connect the Wireless Telephone Jack to any of
the following:
Coin-operated systems
Party-line systems
Most electronic key phone systems
The Wireless Telephone Jack complies with the limits for a Class
B digital device as specified in Part 15 of FCC Rules. These limits
provide reasonable protection against radio and TV interference
even when it is operation properly. To eliminate interference, you
can try one or more of the following corrective measures:
Reorient or relocate the connected telephone, modem, fax etc.
Increase the distance between the equipment and the telephone,
modem, fax etc.
Due to existing differences between public telecommunication
networks in different states, this authentication does not consti-
tute in itself an unconditional guarantee for successful operation
of these units on every network terminal point.
Intended use
The Wireless Telephone Jack is designed to switch onto the ana-
logue telephone network via the normal telephone socket and
an ordinary POT telephone. Any other use is deemed as
not intended use. The company does not accept claims resulting
from unauthorised alterations or modifications not described in
this user manual.