User's Manual

CPE-O-R-WS User Manual
Runcom Technologies Ltd. 21
Dynamic IP Address by selecting this option the CPEA acquire IP address from the WiMAX
network DHCP server or from the xNOC static settings. If this option selected, the fields shows
the acquired IP address, Mask and default gateway.
4.4.3 DNS IP Address Settings
It is recommended to use Auto in this field. The xNOC is redirecting the request to the appropriate server
as defined in the xNOC.
4.5 LAN access control
The CPE supports additional layer of access control, which help to prevent unappropriated use of the CPE.
If the CPE is operating as bridge mode, it is recommended to use access control of each CPE at the xNOC and
not at the CPE itself.
Figure 15: Access Control Configuration