User Manual

We obviously saved the best for last. If this button is not pressed then the Portico II is maximally “green”
and exhibits its absolute lowest noise oor. However, for any of the previously described features and
fun controls to have any signicance, the POWER button should be pressed. If nothing happens when
the button is pressed and not one LED even winks at you, then you may also want to plug in the Power
cord too.
Mic Pre
Frequency Response:
Main Output, no load,
–3 dB @ 2 Hz
–3 dB @ 160 kHz
Measured at Main Output, unweighted, 22Hz-22kHz,
Terminated 150 Ohms.
With gain at unity better than –92 dBu
With gain at 66 dB better than –56 dBu
Equivalent Input Noise better than –123 dBu
Unity to +66dB in 6 dB steps,
Trim continuously adjustable from –6dB to +6dB
Line Input:
Trim continuously adjustable from –6dB to +6dB
Maximum Output Level:
Maximum output from 20 Hz to 40 kHz is +25 dBu.
Phantom Power:
+ 48 Volts DC +/- 1%
Total Harmonic Distortion and Noise:
@ 1kHz, +20 dBu output: Better than 0.002%
As above, Silk Engaged: Better than 0.2% Second Harmonic
@ 20Hz, +20 dBu out Better than 0.004%
@ 20Hz, +20 dBu out Better than 0.020%
IM Distortion: Better than 0.002%
Slew rate Better than 4 V/uS
High Pass Filter:
Frequency: Continuously Variable from 20 Hz to 250Hz
Slope: 12 dB/Octave Bessel