User Manual

Portico II Channel User Guide
Thank you for your purchase of a Portico II Channel module.
Everyone at Rupert Neve Designs hope you enjoy using this tool as much as we have enjoyed
designing and building it. The name “Portico II” will be used for a series of new ultra-high end
professional products that will share some traits. Please take note of the following list of safety concerns
and power requirements before the use of this or any Portico II Series product.
It’s usual to provide a list of “do’s and don’ts” under this heading but mostly these amount to
common sense issues. However, here are important safety requirements that must be adheared to:
Heat generated by the Channel module is radiated through the case work and by convection through the
ventilation holes, therefore the holes should not be covered or blocked. To avoid overheating,
Portico II units should not be stacked immediately above or adjacent to other equipment that
gets hot, and one rack space above the unit should be left open for heat ventilation.
Also bear in mind that other equipment may radiate strong hum elds which could spoil
the performance of your Portico II module.
Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched, particularly at plugs convenience receptacles
and the point where they exit from the apparatus. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or
grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two blades with one wider than the other. A grounding type
plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong are provided for
your safety. Unplug the module during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time.
Don’t operate your Portico II module in or around water! Electronic equipment and liquids are not
good friends. If any liquid is spilled, such as soda, coffee, alcoholic or other drink, the sugars and
acids will have a very detrimental effect. Sugar crystals act like little rectiers and can produce
noise (crackles, etc.). SWITCH OFF IMMEDIATELY because once current starts to ow the
mixture hardens, can get very hot (burnt toffee!) and cause permanent and costly damage. If it gets
wet and you suspect that good clean water may have gotten in, immediately unplug the unit, and
remove it from the source of water. Please contact support as soon as possible at for resolution. Clean only with dry cloth.
Don’t be tempted to operate a Portico II unit with the cover removed. The cover provides magnetic
screening from hum and R.F. stray elds.
Power Requirements
Each Portico II unit has a high quality, low noise switching power supply that is further ltered and shunt
regulated for an exceptionally quiet and reliable power source for the audio circuits. The power sup-
ply is considered “universal” in the sense that it will accept 100V through 240V AC and complies with
standard mains voltages around the world. Be absolutely sure to disconnect mains power (remove the
power cable from the IEC power connector at the back panel) before checking the fuse. The fuse is lo-
cated in the IEC power input connector and is accessed by opening the small panel labeled “FUSE”. The
fuse should always be replaced with the correct value and type. The Portico II power supply requires a
5x20 mm 2.5 amp fast acting ceramic body fuse Bussman type GDA 2.5A or equivalent.