User guide

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wide. While many different types of mains power wall sockets are found in different countries, Portico
5017 module power units leave the factory with standard US plugs. If required, any suitable connecting
cord may be substituted. Avoid using a mains power outlet that is on the same circuit as air conditioning
of other equipment that regularly switches on and off. Unplug your Portico power units during a thunder
storm or if it will be unused for a long period.
Portico modules can alternatively be powered from a 12 volt battery, in which case the supplied AC
power unit is not needed. When using a 12 volt battery, choose one that has enough capacity to power
your Portico 5017 - or your complete assembly of Portico modules - for the expected duration of your
Portico 5017: Mobile DI / Pre / Compressor User Guide
Thank you for your purchase of the 5017 Mobile DI / Pre / Compressor. Everyone at Rupert Neve De-
signs hope you enjoy using this tool as much as we have enjoyed designing and building it. Please take
note of the following list of safety concerns and power requirements before the use of this or any Portico
Series product.
It’s usual to provide a list of “do’s and don’ts” under this heading but mostly these amount to common
sense issues. However here are some reminders:
The Portico 5017 dissipates about 7 watts, which means that it will get warm in use. The heat generated
is radiated through the case work. To avoid overheating Portico™ modules should not be stacked imme-
diately above or adjacent to other equipment that gets hot. Also bear in mind that other equipment may
radiate strong hum elds which could spoil the performance of your Portico module.
Don’t operate your Portico™ module in or around water! Electronic equipment and liquids are not good
friends. If any liquid is spilled such as soda, coffee, alcoholic or other drink, the sugars and acids will
have a very detrimental effect. Sugar crystals act like little rectiers and can produce noise (crackles,
etc.). SWITCH OFF IMMEDIATELY because once current starts to ow, the mixture hardens, can get very
hot (burnt toffee!) and cause permanent and costly damage. Please contact support as soon as possible
at for resolution.
Don’t be tempted to operate a Portico module with the cover removed. The cover provides magnetic
screening from hum and R.F. stray elds.
Power Requirements
Each Portico 5017 module has a high quality DC to DC converter that provides carefully stabilized and
ltered +/– 17.5 VDC for the ampliers. The meticulous audio quality of your Portico is protected by
the internal converter and does not depend primarily on the external mains power supply. The input is
protected from reverse polarity. The connector center pin must be positive. The converters will work from
any DC supply from 9 to 18 volts that is reasonably “clean”. The power supply normally provided with
the 5017 is a high quality, robust, and very reliable switched mode power supply. There are no special
requirements for the Portico low voltage units other than that they must be of good quality, reliable, and
able to supply enough current for the number of modules in use.
The great advantage of this system is that there are no common D.C. supply rails that are directly shared
by other modules.
In a traditional console, large, bi-polar regulated supplies were used, necessarily having a shared com-
mon 0 “ground” wire. Crosstalk between modules resulted, often accompanied by R.F. interference due
to the unbalanced loop “antennas” that were inevitably present. This interference, in some cases, could
actually be heard, but even at low levels below audibility there was a potential intermodulation with the
desired signal. Of course this represented both a quantitative and subjective intrusion affecting sound
One of the advantages of the Portico method of feeding equipment is that external power units will work
from almost any of the very wide range of mains supply voltages and frequencies that are found world-
Portico 5017: Block Diagram