Owner's Manual

8 XZone70V Installation Manual
Step 7. Firmware Update – Because new features and capabilities may
be added at any time, make sure to verify that the XZone70V has the latest
rmware available. From the Web Cong page, go to Admin, Firmware Update.
If the XZone70V has an internet connection, it will automatically verify if it is
running the latest rmware from Russound. You may update the XZone70V
by selecting Web Update for any XZone70V with an internet connection, or
by choosing File Update to update the XZone70V from a rmware update le
stored on a computer that is on the same network as the XZone70V.
Note: It can take 10-15 minutes for a rmware update to be completed.
The front panel status LED will illuminate a steady green when the update is
Automatic Firmware Updates
The XZone70V is congured by default with Automatic Firmware Updates
Enabled. This means that it will check for an update to its rmware periodically
with Russound’s servers. This check will happen at the time congured in Web
Cong under System Settings. The default time setting is set for early AM/
overnight hours in the Eastern Time Zone of the US. You may set this time for
any convenient time in your time zone. We recommend around 3am, when
it is not likely that the system is in use because a reboot will occur during an
You may disable the automatic update feature if you would like the ability to
control the exact time when an update occurs. We recommend this only for
advanced users because it will require the update to be activated either onsite,
or via a 3rd party remote management service such as ihiji, BakPak, or OvrC.
At the top of the web browser, a notication will appear stating that the
product must be unlocked by a Russound Certied Installer. Click on the unlock
button and you will be taken to a page where you will enter your credentials.
Enter your Russound Certied Installer Email Address and password into the
elds shown and click Apply. Once your information has been validated, the
XZone70V will unlock and be ready for conguration and use. This unlock
process will need to be repeated any time that the XZone70V is reset to factory
settings using the rear panel reset button.