Date Printed: 1/29/2014
RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: A respiratory protection program that meets OSHA 1910.134 and ANSI Z88.2 requirements must be
followed whenever workplace conditions warrant a respirator's use. A NIOSH/MSHA approved air purifying respirator with organic
vapor cartridge or canister may be permissible under certain circumstances where airborne concentrations are expected to exceed
exposure limits.
SKIN PROTECTION: Use impervious gloves to prevent skin contact and absorption of this material through the skin. Nitrile or
Neoprene gloves may afford adequate skin protection. Use gloves to prevent prolonged skin contact.
EYE PROTECTION: Use safety eyewear designed to protect against splash of liquids.
OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Refer to safety supervisor or industrial hygienist for further information regarding personal
protective equipment and its application. Refer to safety supervisor or industrial hygienist for further guidance regarding types of
personal protective equipment and their applications.
HYGIENIC PRACTICES: Wash thoroughly with soap and water before eating, drinking or smoking. Remove contaminated clothing
immediately and launder before reuse.
9. Physical and Chemical Properties
Vapor Density Heavier than Air Odor: Solvent Like
Appearance: Liquid Evaporation Rate: Slower than Ether
Solubility in Water: Negligible Freeze Point: N.D.
Specific Gravity: 0.967 pH: N.A.
Physical State: Liquid
(See section 16 for abbreviation legend)
10. Stability and Reactivity
CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Avoid all possible sources of ignition. Avoid temperatures above 120 ° F. Avoid contact with strong acid
and strong bases.
INCOMPATIBILITY: Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents, strong acids and strong alkalies.
HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION: By open flame, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. When heated to decomposition, it emits
acrid smoke and irritating fumes. Contains solvents which may form carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and formaldehyde.
HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur under normal conditions.
STABILITY: This product is stable under normal storage conditions.
11. Toxicological Information
Chemical Name LD50 LC50
Mineral Spirits >5000 mg/kg (Rat, Oral) >1400 ppm (Rat, Inhalation, 4Hr)
Aliphatic Hydrocarbon >5000 mg/kg (Rat, Oral) N.E.
Talc N.E. TCLo: 11 mg/m3 (Inhalation)
Naphtha >25 ml/kg (ORAL, RAT) >700 PPM (INH 4 Hr, RAT)
Carbon Black >8000 mg/kg (Rat, Oral) N.E.
Xylene 4300 mg/kg (Rat, Oral) 5000 ppm (Rat, Inhalation, 4Hr)
Ethylbenzene 3500 mg/kg (Rat, Oral) N.E.
12. Ecological Information
ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION: Product is a mixture of listed components. Product is a mixture of listed components.
13. Disposal Information
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