Operation Manual

3) Rewind and forward
Press the ◄◄ or ►►button during playback to rewind to the beginning of the le being
played or forward to the next le, respectively. If the le contains index marks, playback begins
at that point.
7-2. Play features
You can set the device to play les repeatedly or randomly.
1) Repeat a sequence
• To repeat or loop a sequence in a song, press the INDEX button at the chosen starting point.
[A - B] ashes on the screen.
• Press the INDEX button again at the chosen end point.
The repeat sequence begins.
• Press the STOP/DEL button to stop playback or press the INDEX button to return to normal
2) Repeat a le or folder / shufe mode
Press and hold the INDEX button for 1 second or longer during playback to switch between
play modes.
(repeat le, repeat folder, shufe folder or normal playback)
Shufe mode is available only in the M (music) folder.