User's Manual

User Guide for Chrome 400/500 Series Graphics
SG195-B.1 1/5/2009
Page 87
7.7 Fine Tuning LCD
When the mobile system’s LCD panel is detected as connected and active, you
can configure the LCD using the S3 ScreenToys Device Management.
Adjustments you make are remembered by the S3 Graphics software even when
your system is sleeping or rebooted.
ACCESS: To adjust LCD, right click on the desktop and click from the menu to
select S3 ScreenToys. In the left menu column, select Basic, Device
Management. In the Display Devices area, click the LCD icon. Next check the
Device Status checkbox underneath the icon. When the selected device icon
has a blue outline and checked box, available options for the device can be
configured. The lower LCD settings area will show available options for LCD
The following options may be available for fine tuning for LCD display output:
Device Settings:
LCD model info &
settings area
Reports LCD specific information.
If the manufacturer and model of the LCD is available, it
will be reported in the title row of this area.
Panel Type
Provides the native physical horizontal and vertical size
(in pixels) as well as the type of panel device that is
currently selected.
Display Scaling
image icon
The icon shows an example of the currently checked
Display scaling option. Change the Display scaling