User's Manual

User Guide for Chrome 400/500 Series Graphics
SG195-B.1 1/6/2009
Page 105
dropdown list
Select an effect or filter from this dropdown list. Then
use the slider to set a value for the amount of visual
effect to be used during display of any video playback.
A slider bar allows you to adjust the amount or intensity
of the effect.
The slider thumb can be moved to the right to increase
(More) or the left to decrease (Less) the amount of the
effect. Each filter may have a different number of
allowed steps between left (Less) and right (More).
Disable All
Click Disable All to remove any Deblocking filters or
Artistic License effects currently applied. The slider bar
is unavailable.
Click Emboss to produce output where most of the
image is displayed in (gray) tonal values. Edges retain
their original color. This makes the image resemble an
engraved stone relief image. (three step)
Neon Edges
Click Neon Edges to produce a high-contrast image,
similar in effect to that of solarization in a photographic
print. Most of the image will have a very dark value (low
brightness) except for the edges between areas. The
edges are expressed as bands of bright, neon-like
colors. (three step)
Soft Focus
Click Soft Focus to produce output where sharp edges
are removed to blur the image and produce a hazy
effect. Soft focus is also sometimes referred to as
Gaussian blur. This effect is often used by
photographers to soften facial details in portraiture.
(two step)
Click Sharpen to produce output where the edges of
objects appear crisper. This is accomplished through
manipulation of the differences in contrast level between
the edge components. (multiple stepping)