User's Manual

The MDS generates the following types of audio cues/messages via the built-in
near miss sounds
wound status
artillery sound with distance and compass direction
minefield effect
Hit evaluation:
When the MDS evaluates a hit an attention noise is generated. This is followed by a
message as to wound type or a killed statement.
The MDS will disable the weapon SAT for about 30 seconds to simulate the shock of
being hit. This prevents immediately return fire.
If the hit is evaluated as a kill or a severely/lethally wound the SAT will continue to be
disabled. Only light wounds result in the ability to continue firing after 30 seconds.
The simulated wound type will dictate the remaining time to live from an untreated wound.
In the event of "kill" the wearer presents a combat target and should not move around. If
moving around an unrealistic situation during the After Action Review is caused.