Instruction Manual

8.8.1. Password Levels
The Graphi-Q2 Remote Software offers 4 levels of security access to its controls, as follows:
ADMINISTRATOR. This is the highest level of security access, allowing full control over all Graphi-Q2
parameters, and the important unique ability to set passwords for access to all security levels. Separate
passwords can be set for ADMINISTRATOR, ENGINEER, and TECHNICIAN access.
ENGINEER. This is level 2, allowing full access to all controls, with the exception of setting passwords,
which cannot be done at ENGINEER security level. This would be an appropriate access level for a skilled
system operator.
TECHNICIAN. This is level 3. A TECHNICIAN cannot change any Graphi-Q parameters, but can load
presets. This might be appropriate access for a semiskilled system operator who needs to load different
setups for different applications, but has limited understanding of Graphi-Q operation.
VISITOR. No password is required for VISITOR access to the Graphi-Q. At this level, the Graphi-Q will
display its current settings, but will be unresponsive to all commands. This level of access is appropriate
for unauthorized or unsophisticated users.
Security access level will be indicated at the bottom of the main screen.
8.8.2. Setting or Changing Passwords
Only an ADMINISTRATOR can set passwords. However, until passwords are set, all users of the Graphi-
Q will be allowed ADMINISTRATOR access. Therefore, if security is a concern, the first person to use
the Graphi-Q should set passwords. To do this, open the PASSWORD screen from the Tool Bar at the
top of the main screen. The PASSWORD screen looks like this:
Click the EDIT PASSWORD box.
The three password boxes will
change to zero. Type up to a 5-
number code (numbers only, no
letters) in each of the password
boxes (make sure you remember
the passwords!), then click SAVE
PASSWORD. Then close the
screen. You have now entered the
passwords necessary for varying
levels of access to the Graphi-Q
controls. When the software is
restarted, any user will be required
to provide the appropriate pass-
word to gain access to the allowed
security level.
Passwords may be reset at any time, but only by the ADMINISTRATOR. The ADMINISTRATOR can
always select EDIT PASSWORD from the password screen and enter new codes at any time.
Note that passwords are saved within the unit itself, not within the remote software. If two Graphi-Q2s
connected to two separate computers are swapped, the access password will follow the Graphi-Q2.
8.8.3. Gaining Access With Your Password
Once passwords have been entered, one of the three codes must be given to allow access to the security
level allowed. If no matching password is provided, the user will be allowed access at the VISITOR level
only. If you gain entry at one security level and qualify for higher access (meaning you know the next
level’s password), you can enter the higher level password at any time after opening the PASSWORD
screen. If you forget your password, call Sabine for the secret backdoor password, and be prepared at
the time of your call to prove you own the unit!
8.8.4. Removing Password Protection
The ADMINISTRATOR can at any time remove password protection by entering a password of 0 (zero)
at Administrator level.