
LIT-SWA6SS-OP-050222.pmd - rr
The SWA6SS is designed to distribute and amplify the RF signal from a pair of antennas to up to 6 SWM7000
Series receivers. You can also cascade multiple SWA6SS units to distribute the RF to many more receivers (see
block diagram detail on page 4).
Your Sabine Antenna Distribution Amp features very low inter-modulation distortion, high dynamic range and low
noise components, and reduces multiple antenna interference in multiple system usage.
Please refer to your SWM7000 Operating Guide for important information about the correct setup of your re-
This Antenna Distribution Amp will allow you to connect up to 6 Sabine SWM7000 receivers to one set of anten-
nas — thus alleviating the “antenna farm” of multiple-receiver antenna placement — and improving reception as
well. This setup can be combined with the Sabine Extension Antennas (SWASS-EXT) for additionally improved
reception. Extension antennas must be purchased separately. Or you can use the standard antennas from your
Installation Connections
1. Connect receiver Antenna 1 input to any RF Output 1 connector on the SWA6SS. Likewise, connect any
receiver Antenna 2 to any RF Output 2 connector on the SWA6SS.
2. Connect Antennas. You may use the supplied dipole antennas from your receivers and mount them either on
the front or back of the Antenna Distribution Amp. Make sure the dipoles (small rubber antennas) are mounted
so they can “see” the transmitters. To further maintain line of sight, replace the supplied antennas from your
receivers with Sabine Extension Antennas (SWASS-EXT).
3. Terminate any unused RF outputs. Failure to do this may result in poor performance or droputs. Your Antenna
Distribution Amp comes with 8 RF Terminators. Remove these as necessary to connect receivers, but save
them in case you change your configuration later.
3. Turn on Power switch.
NOTE: Using the set up illustrated in step number 4 on page 4 of this operating guide, one pair of SWASS-EXT
antennas connected to seven Antenna Distribution Amplifiers will accommodate up to 35 receivers, or 70 audio
General Information on Antenna Placement
Antennas used with the Antenna Distribution Amp should be placed in an open area within visual range of the
intended microphone locations. Note that the range of a True Mobility transmitter is about 100 meters, but that
structural objects can reduce that range. Extension antennas are recommended to maintain good reception
when the antenna divider is located far from the transmitters.
Antenna Placement Cautions
Since the installation of the antennas influences the operating efficiency of the receiver, the most important
rule is to minimize the distance between receiving antenna and transmitter for better reception and perfor-
mance. Make sure the antennas can see the transmitters.
Placing Extension Antennas: Position the one marked
at stage left (on the left hand side of a
performer facing the audience) and so on. When you mount the extension antennas on a stand or on a wall,
make sure the short end of the triangle is up.
In order for the system to be effective, both extension antennas should be in a good pickup position at all
times but separated by about ten or fifteen feet if the antennas are within 100 or so feet. Separate them about
20 to 25 feet in very large rooms or fields. If you put the antennas too far apart, i.e., at opposite ends of the
room, or in separate rooms, to improve coverage, diversity is defeated and you will get dropouts. In other
Antenna Distribution Amplifier Installation Instructions