Application Guide

If you’re a pet owner, you know that your dog is able to learn
new tricks and habits quickly, as long as they receive a little
bit of help along the way. All too often, standard methods of
house-training a pet can fall short of a total success, leaving
owners to clean up accidents around their house until they
and their pet can learn how to communicate with each
other effectively. SadoTech has acknowledged that there is
often a disconnect between the way humans and their pets
communicate with one another, and began seeking a way
to bridge the gap between pet owners and their animals.
After much research, dedication, and manufacturing trials,
we developed a full line of pet doorbells like the SadoTech
Model G, SadoTech Model F, and Model FXR.
But we didn’t stop there. To ensure you can make the most out of your new pet doorbell,
we’ve written out a step-by-step guide for training your dog (ok, or cat) to use their new pet
doorbell to request time outside. Take a look at the three-step process below to learn how
your furry friend can use this device to alert you when nature calls.
Step 1: Pick the right doorbell for your home. Picking a doorbell that is loud enough to be
heard throughout your home is the first step to success. Because of its affordability, loud
chime, and easy to reach button, we’ve selected the SadoTech Model G for this example.
Step 2: Familiarize your pet with the doorbell. This can be done by placing the doorbell on the
floor (or mounting it to the wall) and treating your dog every time they accidentally nudge the
device with their paws or nose.
Step 3: Now that your animal has learned that doorbells are a good thing, it’s time to
synonymize the sound of the doorbell with your front or back door opening. Each time your
dog hits the doorbell for a treat, open the door and guide them outside.
Then, give them a treat for going outside! If they happen to use the bathroom during these
exercises, don’t forget to give them extra treats for the good behavior.
Model G Model F Model FXR
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