Application Guide

If you’re a teacher or child care
professional, you know that a
creative approach is sometimes
necessary when bringing your
students back to their inside voices
after a field trip, recess, or class
discussion. Instead of shouting
over dozens of voices or waiting
until the room quiets down on its
own, try using an affordable push-
button doorbell like the SadoTech
Model C to signal different
lessons, quiet time, or other
classroom activities. Not only will
this method give you a break from
the stress of finding new tactics to
keep the class on-track, you may
also find that it will give your class
more structure.
Signal Quiet Time: In a room full of young children, getting all eyes on you can be a challenge.
If you have a hard time bringing children back to their quiet, respectful selves after some
classroom free time, simply press the doorbell push button to signal that it’s time to pay
Signal Time Constraints: If you’ve
given your class something to do
within an allotted time frame, using a
doorbell to signal that time is almost
done is easy and effective. When their
time frame has hit the halfway point,
simply push the doorbell transmitter
once to signal that time is low; once
time actually runs out, push the
button twice to alert the class that
their time has been completed. This
method can be particularly useful
during tests and exams, as it is a
non-invasive way to alert the class
that time is running low.
Model C White
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