Users Manual Part 1

Phoenix G2 IDU User Manual WEB GUI
SAF Tehnika JSC
12) Actual Tx Speed shows reserved transmission speed for BER tester. This value
roughly equals to half of the unassigned capacity which is used for the BER tester
13) TX Pattern shows transmission pattern for BER tester frames
14) RX Pattern shows receiving pattern of BER tester frames
15) Rx Bit Count shows number of received bits (BER)
16) RX Err Count shows number of received error bits (BER)
17) Rx Sync Count number of synchronizations of the BER tester
18) BER ratio of Rx Bit Count and Rx Err Count
19) TLE time since last BER error; a number of seconds from the last error occurrence. It
should correspond to time since pressing the button
20) TBE time between the last two BER error events
21) EFS error free seconds of the BER tester; it should correspond to time since pressing
the button
22) ERS error seconds; number of seconds during which a BER error occurred
By pressing the button, the values of counters will be cleared. By pressing the
button, the values of counters on all Counter pages will be cleared.
By pressing the button, one error will be inserted into data streams of both
Status Counters Traffic
This section provides a detailed overview of data frames flow. The section consists of the LAN
COUNTERS which are captured by the IDUs switch and the FPGA COUNTERS which are
captured by the modem.
By pressing the button, the values of counters will be cleared. By pressing the
button, the values of counters on all Counter pages will be cleared.