Users Manual Part 1

Phoenix G2 IDU User Manual WEB GUI
SAF Tehnika JSC
The design change will load a configuration pre-sets for the given design. That means the
device should be re-configured by the user after each design type change. It is
recommended to reboot the device after such re-configuration.
It may happen that The link to the remote side will be lost after design type change. In this
case local access to all devices must be ensured before design type change. The remote
side IDU/ODU has to be configured separately.
Following configuration fields will appear when Design type Design 505 will be chosen:
2) Functional Mode above mentioned Radio modes in Design 505 can be combined with
following Functional modes:
a) 1+0 Ch1/2 simple one channel end station which uses physical channel Nr.1/2
b) 1+0 Dual advanced 1+0 mode which separately uses both physical channels.
Can be used also as repeater configuration.
c) 2+0 capacity aggregation mode which combines the capacity of both physical
d) 1+1 protection mode which combines the capacity of both physical channels.
3) Link Diversity modes those modes are available when choosing above mentioned
1+1 or 2+0 Functional modes:
a) FD frequency diversity configuration with frequency separation in both physical
channels of the system. Supported by 2+0 and 1+1 functional modes
b) SD space diversity configuration with single Tx channel, two Rx channels and
two antennas in both directions. Supported by 1+1 functional mode. This mode
does not support Tx switch-over.
c) HSB/SD hot standby/space diversity configuration with single Tx channel at a
time and two Rx channels in both directions. Supported by 1+1 functional mode.
This mode will switchover the Tx in case of Primary Tx failure
It is recommended not to use ACM when 1+1 SD or 1+1 HSB/SD modes are used with
separated antennas in each side of the link. In some circumstances the ACM in combination
with 1+1 SD mode might not work properly. For more details please refer to SAF technical
support at
d) XPIC cross-polarization diversity with automatic attenuation of interfering signal
from the X-polarized channel. Supported by 2+0 and 1+1 functional modes
The following AES settings will be available if they are included in the license. Those settings
may be available for one or two channels depending on the configuration of the Functional
4) Duplex Mode this setting determinates duplex/simplex function of the configured link
and has an essential influence on whole system function:
a) Rx Only half-duplex/simplex link with only Rx channel. In this case the automatic
ACM function should be set to the manual profile by the user.
b) Tx Only half-duplex/simplex link with Tx only channel. In this case the automatic
ACM function should be set to the manual profile by the user.
The simplex configuration considerably limits the functionality of the system. The ACM
function will not work as well as remote side monitoring from Tx only side, etc.
c) Bidirectional full duplex link with Tx and Rx channels
5) AES key length One of two ASI key lengths can be selected for the AES encryption: 32
hex digits key (128 bits) or 64 hex digit key (256 bits). If there is no specific
requirement of 128-bit key usage, the 256-bit key is recommended.
6) AES key input A 32 hex digit key (128 bits) or 2x 32 hex digit keys (256 bits) must be
entered for each channel in order to properly initialize the AES function. The same key
have to be entered on local and remote channels. It is possible to use the
button to generate a random key(s).