Owner Manual

Before beginning assembly of product, make sure all parts are present.
Compare parts with package contents list and hardware contents list.
If any part is missing or damaged, do not attempt to assemble the product.
Estimated Assembly Time: 10 minutes.
Tools Required for Assembly (included):SPANNER.
Nuts has been kept on product itself, two spare nuts can found in hardware bag
Please do not fully tighten bolts/nuts until the end of step.
Periodically check all bolted connections to make sure they are tight and secure.
Please ensure that anchor part Jx 4 is secured to the ground before using this product
Joint the top pillars (D) to the bottom pillars (E)with
the fastening nuts (H). Joint the crowns (C) to the
top pillars with the fastening nuts (H).
Joint the top left bracket (A) and the top right bracket
(B) to the pillars (D) with the fastening nuts; and
connect the two brackets together with the fastening
Hang the two parts of the door (G) to the bottom of
the pillars (E) and close them.
Put the shelves (F) to the middle and bottom of the pillars.
Hammer the ground stake(J) to the ground to reinforce the arch.