Use and Care Manual

• Regular Cleaning: Lightly brush/vacuum vertical and horizontal surfaces to prevent dust and soil build-up. Spot
clean with a mild soap and warm water solution. Dry with a soft, lint-free cloth.
• Spills and Stains: Clean immediately. Remove as much of the stain from the surface with a clean cloth. Vacuum
surface, gently brush or scrape off the stain material or soak up any excess liquid from a spill. Spot clean with a
mild soap and warm water solution.
Purchasable Cleaning Solution: Leather Wipes, Leather Cleaning and Conditioning Spray
General Care: Do not use chemicals, saddle soap, cleaning solvents, furniture polish, oils, varnish, abrasive cleaners,
soap or ammonia water. Vacuum as a routine cleaning. Keep moist. Humidify if climate is dry. Protect against
excessive sunlight, dryness and heat. Sunlight will fade and dry out leather. Dryness will cause leather to crack.
Heat will dry out the leather and cause further damage.
How to remove spots and stains:
1. Blot excess liquid up as quickly as possible with a clean, 100% cotton-white, absorbent cloth or sponge.
2. If necessary, use clean, lukewarm water only and let dry naturally. Do not dry with hair dyer, etc.
3. If water is used, clean the entire area where spot occurred - seat cushion, arm, etc. Do not rub.
Purchasable Cleaning Solution: Pledge
, Goo Gone
Patio Furniture, Multi-Surface Cleaner
How to remove spots and stains:
1. Combine vinegar and water. Mix one part vinegar with one part water in a clean, empty spray bottle.
2. Spray the solution on the plastic. Liberally spray the plastic with the vinegar solution completely soaking the
plastic. Vinegar is good at removing grease, mildew, and hard water stains as well as disinfecting hard surfaces.
3. Wipe the plastic. Use a clean cloth or sponge to wipe the vinegar solution around the plastic. Spray more vinegar
solution on areas with built up grime, and scrub them liberally until the dirt is removed.
4. Rinse with water. Use clean water to rinse the vinegar solution from the plastic; dry it with a towel.
Purchasable Cleaning Solution: Pledge
Multi Surface
While laminate is very durable and somewhat resistant to marring and scratching, sharp objects can still
damage your surfaces, even under normal use. Do not drag sharp objects across your laminate surface.
To clean your laminate surfaces, we suggest using a damp cloth or sponge with a mild soap or dish detergent.
For more difficult stains, such as coffee or tea, mix baking soda in with a mild household cleaner until a paste
is formed.
CAUTION: You must always rinse your laminate surface after cleaning. If you leave cleaning solution to dry on
your surface without rinsing it, moisture from drinks/cups or additional spills can reactivate that dry residue,
resulting in scars or stains over time.