User manual

Applications 31
The other menus are:
See month
: allows you to access events on a month-by-month basis.
See week
: allows you to access events on a week-by-week basis.
See today
: allows you to access the events for the current day.
See date
: allows you to access events at a specific date.
This menu allows you to use your phone as a calculator.
Use the following keys to make calculations:
: Add,
: Subtract,
: Multiply,
: Divide
The following keys are used for:
Left programmable key
: Equals or convert
Right programmable key
: Delete
: Decimal point.
If no calculations are being run, pressing [
] allows you to use the value in the converter directly.
This option allows you to convert one currency to another.
Enter a value and press the navigator upwards to convert from one currency to another, or downwards to convert back.
Pressing [
] allows you to use the following options:
Rapid exchange
If you select
, the converter will work in the idle screen by entering the desired numbers and pressing the navigator
upwards or downwards to convert.
Exchange rate
Enter the exchange rate corresponding to the chosen currency.
Enter the two types of currency to be converted.
Goto Calculator
This option allows you to use immediately the value converted in the