Technical Specs

5. Phone maintenance
Mobile is a high-precision electronic products, please
carefully maintained. The following suggestions can help
you maintain phone, to extend the lifespan:
Phone and its accessories should be placed out of the
reach of children.
Keep the device dry. Rain, humidity or moisture will
corrode the circuit board. If the phone is accidentally
flooded, shall promptly remove the battery, and
immediately sent to a local authorized service center for
Do not place your phone in dusty places, this may affect
the normal use of mobile phones.
LCD display is easily damaged cell phone parts, mobile
phone dropped onto the ground should be avoided or be
strong vibration; prohibit the use of sharp objects to touch
the screen.
Do not place the phone where the temperature is too high.
High temperatures can shorten the life of electronic
devices, damage batteries, and warp or melt plastic shell
Do not place the phone where the temperature is too low.
Otherwise, when the phone temperature to normal
temperature, moisture will be generated internally, could
damage the device electronic circuit boards.
Do not drop, knock or severe shaking the phone, so as not
to damage the internal circuit boards and precision mobile
Do not use chemicals, cleaning solvents or strong
detergents to clean the device, apply a soft cloth soaked
in soapy water and gently scrub.
Do not use paint pigment cell phone to avoid moving parts
and be stuck to proper operation.