Operating Manual

Menu Function/Description Available settings
0 SQL (Squelch level) 0-9
1 STEP(Frequency step) 2.5/5/6.25/10/12.5/25kHz
2 TXP(Transmit power) HIGH/LOW
3 SAVE( Battery save,1:1/1:2/1:3/1:4) OFF/1/2/3/4
4 VOX(Voice operated transmission) OFF/0-10
5 W/N( Wideband/narrowband) WIDE/NARR
6 ABR(Display illumination) OFF/1/2/3/4/5s
7 TDR(Dual watch/dual reception) OFF/ON
8 BEEP(Keypad beep) OFF/ON
9 TOT(Transmission timer) 15/30/45/60.../585/600seconds
10 R-DCS(Reception digital coded squelch) OFF/D023N...D754I
11 R-CTS(Reception Continuous Tone Coded Squelch) 67.0Hz...254.1Hz
12 T-DCS(Transmission digital coded squelch) OFF/D023N...D754I
13 T-CTS(Transmission Continuous Tone Coded Squelch) 67.0Hz...254.1Hz
14 VOICE(Voice prompt) OFF/ON
15 ANI(Automatic number identification of the radio,only can be set by
PC software.
16 DTMFST(The DTMF tone of transmitting code.) OFF/DT-ST/ANI-ST/DT+ANI
17 S-CODE(Signal code, only could be set by PC software.) 1,,15 groups
18 SC-REV(Scan resume method) TO/CO/SE
19 PTT-ID(press or release the PTT button to transmit the signal code) OFF/BOT/EOT/BOTH
20 PTT-LT(delay the signal code sending) 0,,30ms
21 MDF-A(under channel mode, A channel displays. Note:name display
only can be set by PC software.
22 MDF-B(under channel mode, B channel displays. Note:name display
only can be set by PC software.
23 BCL(busy channel lockout) OFF/ON
24 AUTOLK(keypad locked automatically) OFF/ON
25 SFT-D(direction of frequency shift) OFF/+/-
26 OFFSET(frequency shift) 00.00069.990
27 MEMCH(stored in memory channels) 000,127
28 DELCH(delete the memory channes) 000,127
29 WT-LED(illumination display color of standby) OFF/BLUE/ORANGE/PURPLE
30 RX-LED(illumination display color of reception) OFF/BLUE/ORANGE/PURPLE
31 TX-LED(illumination display color of transmitting) OFF/BLUE/ORANGE/PURPLE
32 AL-MOD(alarm mode) SITE/TONE/CODE
33 BAND(band selection) VHF/UHF
34 TX-AB(transmitting selection while in dual watch/ reception) OFF/A/B
35 STE(Tail Tone Elimination) OFF/ON
36 RP_STE(Tail tone elimination in communication through repeater) OFF/1,2,310
37 RPT_RL(Delay the tail tone of repeater) OFF/1,2,310
38 PONMGS(Boot display) FULL/MGS
39 ROGER(tone end of transmission) ON/OFF
40 RESET (Restore to default setting) VFO/ALL