User's Manual

Expert Mode Settings
Video Clip Time
VCT: 3 (default = 5 minutes)
VCT (Video Clip Time) : 1 ~ 3
(1)1min (2)3min (3)5min
Instruction: The length of the division time.
Setting: (1) 1 min. (2) 3 min. (3) 5 min.
Power Down Delay
PDD: 0 (default = 0s)
PDD (Power Down Delay) : 0 ~ 4
(0)0s (1)10s (2)30s (3)60s (4)180s
Instruction: The delay time of auto power off when
the external USB power supply was
Setting: (0) 0 sec. (1) 10 sec. (2) 30 sec.
(3) 1 min. (4) 3 min.
Time Lapse
TL: 0 (default = video mode)
TL (Time Lapse) : 0 ~ 1
(0)video (1)time lapse
Instruction: Change the video record mode to the
time lapse mode.
Setting: (0) video mode (1) time lapse mode