User's Manual

Previewing records
You can switch to Recorded List by pressing [ANGLE/BLUE] button for 3 seconds. Choose
wanted record by moving cursor [▲▼] and press [OK]. Press [GOTO/RED] button to delete
record, [A-B/GREEN] - to display record information.
Previewing in USB mode: Switch to USB mode using [SOURCE] menu, select MOVIE >
Wanted disk > MST PVR > Wanted record. Press [►] to play record in full screen,
[OK] - to preview record, [Delete] - to delete record. While watching record, press [OK] to call the
command line.
Command line functions
You can find these functions in a command line:
Pause; FB; FF; Prev.; Next; Stop;
Repeat (Repeat All > Reapeat None > Repeat 1); Set A/B; Playlist; Info.; Slow Forward;
Step Forward; Goto Time; Zoom In; Zoom Out; Aspect Ratio (Auto > Zoom 1 > Zoom 2 >
16:9 > 4:3); Move View.
Time Shift Record (TSR)
Press the [►II] key to stop translation. To watch translation press [►/TEXT] button. To call the
command line press [OK]. To stop TSR and back to normal mode press [■].
PVR using EPG menu
Press [EPG] button on the RC to call EPG menu. Switch to Recorder mode by pressing
[GOTO/RED] button.
Start time
07 Date
15 Minute
End time
08 Hour
15 Minute
Dec Month
Dec Month
08 Hour
Setup channel, start and end time, then press [OK]. You can choose record periodicity in
a bottom line: Mode Auto > Mode Once > Mode Every Day > Mode Weekly.
PVR funkction on EPG menu is available on TV Standby mode.
You can display the Command Line with RC button [OK]
while recording or previewing record.
Press [GOTO/RED] key for 3 seconds to start recording. For stopping use [■] button on the RC or
select [Stop] on the Command Line.