User's Manual

Table Of Contents
NACOS Platinum
ED 3100 G 140 / 04 (2011-11)
Operating Instructions
III-1 Overview of Products and Applications
III Main / 10.11.11
The arrangement of layers is shown for the CHARTRADAR from top to bottom. For the MULTIPILOT the
raw video is shifted down as indicated by the arrow 1).
All the common functions as listed earlier and the layers as listed in the previous table are integrated to
a complete application for RADAR or for ECDIS.
If the two applications RADAR or ECDIS are combined on a single workstation to build-up a CHAR-
TRADAR or MULTIPILOT only those functions are added, which are not already available with the first
application. Each of the functions as listed above is only started once on a workstation. But depending
on the actual configuration it may have a slightly different appearance. Differences are listed i.e. at the
end of the Chartradar chapter.
Some common functions have been extracted from the description of the individual applications and set
in front of the RADAR and ECDIS description.
Examples are the Consistent Common Reference System (CCRS) (See chapter III - 2.1 on page III- 14),
the navigation sensor management, and the common user interface (HMI) (See chapter I - 5 on page I-
More complex and more seldom used common functions have been extracted as well and set behind the
RADAR and ECDIS description.
Examples are the alarm management (See chapter V - 2 on page V-9), the route and chart monitoring
(See chapter C - 2 on page C-37), and the optional conning and track control function.
Please refer to the corresponding subsequent chapters for more detailed information.