User's Manual

Table Of Contents
NACOS Platinum
ED 3100 G 140 / 04 (2011-11)
Operating Instructions
III-3 Permanent Area for Navigation
III Main / 10.11.11
Position Sensor Selection
Changing the position sensor will also have an effect on the position monitoring function.
The sensor selection list is dependent on number, type and mode of the position sensors connected to
the system.
Means that the position sensor is chosen by the system automatically.
The best available sensor will be used. If a failure occurs on the actual
sensor, the backup sensor is chosen and a warning is given.
mGPS n
Selects the desired position sensor from the list of available sensors in
the system.
As long as the mouse pointer is positioned above the depiction of a
sensor, the position data delivered by this sensor and also the offset
position of the sensor from the actual CCRP position are displayed in
a tool tip window.
m indicates the sensor mode,
GPS may be replaced by another sensor type,
n indicates the sensor number.
Manual DR
As long as Manual DR is selected, the manually entered posi-
tion will be used as the basis for all further position calcula-
tions by dead-reckoning. This method uses the gyro heading
and the speed of the selected COG/SOG speed sensor to esti-
mate the own-ships position. In case a manual value is
present, the indication of the value is preceeded by a in
the same line.
The accuracy of the dead-reckoned position (shown in the positon display as: Manual DR)
must be checked continually, because its accuracy is very poor and its position error is
increasing over time. For safety reasons, an available position-sensor must be selected as
soon as possible.