User's Manual

Table Of Contents
ED 3100 G 110 / 02 (2011-10)
Operating Instructions
A-1 General Information
A / 10.11.11
NACOS Platinum
3. Gain (input amplification)
Switch off the Enhance function. Use the Gain slider, and
increase the value with the trackball until slight noise is
visible on the PPI. Then reduce the value a little until the
noise has just disappeared, but not more. Switch on the
Enhance function again and, if necessary, increase the gain
a little (up to 100% for a favourable sea state).
With the Enhance function activated, the change in gain
only has an effect after several revolutions of the antenna.
On the keyboard, manual tuning is performed by turning the Gain knob.
4. Select the desired display range.
5. Anticlutter Sea (sea clutter suppression)
With anticlutter sea, the input amplification at close range is reduced depending on the distance.
Manual suppression of sea clutter: Use the Sea slider to
set the value so that the clutter caused by a rough sea is as
weak as possible but radar targets are still clearly visible.
If the Enhance function is switched on, the radar requires
several revolutions of the antenna in order to adjust itself to
changed anticlutter sea values. Therefore, any large changes
should only be made slowly (step by step).
On the keyboard, manual tuning is performed by turning the
Sea knob.
Automatic suppression of sea clutter: Select the Auto checkbox behind Sea.
The automatic anticlutter sea function has the advantage that the clutter values taken into account
in the upwind direction are different from those taken into account in the downwind direction.To
check the display of very small target-echoes, it is necessary to switch over to manual operation.
See chapter 1.4.1 on page A-11 for further description of this mode and its specifics.
6. Anticlutter Rain (suppression of rain clutter)
The suppression of rain clutter can be set to Off or three values: Low, Medium or High.
If the value is set to Low or Medium, the filter works with pre-set coefficients just like in manual
mode, if the value is set to High, the suppression is operated with correlative coefficients like in
automatic mode.
In the case of anticlutter sea values that are too large, weak targets can be lost, especially
at close range.If the sea is very rough, it can be expected that radar targets which only
produce weak reflections will remain undetected, even if the setting is correct.
In the case of heavy rain, snow and hail, it can be expected that, even if the setting is
correct, radar targets which only produce weak reflections - especially targets situated
behind a strong rain front - will remain undetected. Such targets can appear suddenly
when leaving the rainy area.