User's Manual

Table Of Contents
NACOS Platinum
ED 3100 G 110 / 02 (2011-10)
Operating Instructions
A-5 RADAR Sidebar - Permanent Area
A / 10.11.11
5.2 RADAR Video Settings
This group shows options which influence the display of the radar
video on the MFD. These settings are influencing only the radar
video on the operated MFD, but not on other MFDs which are
connected to the same transceiver as slave or master.
5.2.1 Gain
Gain setting influences the amplitudes of all echoes and works like an amplifier that makes it possible
to enhance all echoes and noise in the same way in order to get a better picture. But, also the noise will
be amplified and can disturb the clear display of targets.
For optimum setting, adjust the Gain slider in a way that slight noise is visible on the PPI. Then
reduce the value a little until the noise has just disappeared, but not more.
The gain can also be set by means of the Gain turning knob on the radar keyboard.
5.2.2 Sea
Sea can be set to manual or automatic mode. In manual mode, its setting influences the amplitudes of
the radar echoes in such a way that it attenuates echoes close to the antenna very much and that it
attenuates echoes which are more distant to it only very little. Due to the fact that the distance of a
target is represented by the time its echo needs to return to the antenna, this is called „sensitivity-time-
control“ (STC). Nevertheless, echoes which are as strong as the unwanted reflections of the sea surface
may be fully suppressed and not visible, or they may appear and disappear, depending on how strong
the surrounding unwanted reflections are.
In automatic mode, a fixed, approved value for the Sea filter is set. Advantages or limitations to the
effect are the same as in manual mode.
The automatic anticlutter sea function has the advantage that the clutter values taken into account
in the upwind direction are different from those taken into account in the downwind direction.To
check the display of very small target-echoes, it is necessary to switch over to manual operation.
In the case of anticlutter sea values that are too large, weak targets can be lost, especially
at close range. If the sea is very rough, it can be expected that radar targets which only
produce weak reflections will remain undetected, even if the setting is correct.