User's Manual

Table Of Contents
ED 3100 G 140 / 04 (2011-11)
Operating Instructions
C-1 Voyage Planning
NACOS Platinum
Alternative Routes
Even if you have selected the System Route, it is possible to load other routes from your catalogs and
to display them as well as to edit, modify and save them without interfering with the activated System
All loaded routes can be displayed with their Waypoint Lists in the lower part of the application area.
Each route has an own tab showing the route name. Clicking on the respective tab of a route brings the
selected Waypoint List into the foreground.
If another route shall be used as activated route, it must be loaded and checked beforehand.
It is sufficient to click on the Activate button on the tab of this route to change the activated route.
In some specific situations in the integrated system it might not be possible to deactivate or change the
currently used System Route. This can be caused by the fact that one of the sub-systems is using this
route for an automatic control function. Examples: Trackpilot in Track mode or Speedpilot in "Arrival
Previously used routes can be switched off from being loaded and displayed on screen by clicking on the
small cross in the Route Name tab of the waypoint list.
Copy a Route
If you want to create a copy of a loaded route, use Save As... in order to store it under another name
to the same catalogue.