User's Manual

Table Of Contents
ED 3100 G 140 / 04 (2011-11)
Operating Instructions
C-1 Voyage Planning
NACOS Platinum
1.1.8 Completing the Generation of the Route
The new or modified route must be stored in the file system of the MFD so that the data that were input
during or after checking of the route will not be lost as soon as the route is switched off or the system
is shut-down.
Ending the Generation of a New or Modified Route
The route window must be switched on and visible.
1. You can enter additional notes to each single waypoint in the Note input fields of the waypoint list.
2. In the header of the waypoint list or in the context menu of the Route Expander click on [Save]
and the new or modified route data-set will be stored with all data which have been entered until
then under the indicated Route Name.
If you have modified a route and want to keep the original route unchanged you must enter another
route name for the original route before you save the modified one. This is done by a MORE click
into the catalog field of the Route Explorer where Save As... must be clicked. When specifying
the route name, pay attention to the following:
- Each route is assigned to a catalog. Within the catalog, the route is clearly identified by
means of the route name, i.e. within a catalog the same route name can only be assigned