User's Manual

Table Of Contents
ED 3100 G 140 / 04 (2011-11)
Operating Instructions
C-2 Chart and Route Monitoring
NACOS Platinum
2.1 Route Monitoring: Own Ship against the System Route
Monitoring of the Cross Track Distance
If the deviation of the own ship's position from the pre-planned track is greater than the Cross-track
alarm limit set in the System Route under XTD LIM for the current leg, the alarm message Deviation
from Route appears.
The activation of the relevant alarm function takes place under Alarms > ECDIS Alerts > Cross-track
alarm. The off-track limit value currently valid for the actual leg is displayed in the XTD LIM column of
the route list. The currently measured off track distance (i.e. the transverse deviation from the track line)
is indicated numerically on the Route Data Expander and graphically on the Conning Display
Alarm on Approaching the present Waypoint
When the probable travelling time needed to reach the wheel over point (WOP) of the next planned
course manoeuvre at the To-Waypoint defined by the System Route becomes less than the value of
the look ahead distance or the time displayed under Alarms > Own Ship, the alarm message
Approach to Waypoint appears.
In addition, by switching off the function Critical point on route alarm, the output of this alarm can
be suppressed for this MFD, even if the other route related alarms are not suppressed.
The Connection with the TRACKPILOT
The monitoring of the own ship against the System Route is performed independently of the ECDIS sub-
system by the TRACKPILOT as well (if the TRACKPILOT is switched on). During this process, both
programs operate with independent limit-values.
The TRACKPILOT always checks with its own user set limits against the track which is valid for its oper-
ating mode, i.e. depending on its steering mode (Heading, Course or Track mode). The equivalent route
related alerts of the TRACKPILOT are only activated if the ship is steered automatically in Track mode
(i.e. along the System Route).
For the case that the AUTO Fill function is activated, the TRACKPILOT will also use the XTD Limit taken
from the System Route, i.e. the same value as used for route monitoring by the ECDIS sub-system.
In case of course or position deviations from the pre-planned track and depending on the situation, the
alarms TP Course Limit Exceeded and TP Track Limit Exceeded are given, and the approach to the
WOP is announced by the TP Waypoint Approaching alarm.
Additionally, 30 seconds before starting a course change in Track mode, the TP WOP Execution alarm
will be given by the TRACKPILOT.
The order to reduce the number of alarms during sailing in Track Mode, it is advisable to switch off
the Cross-track alarm and the Approach to Waypoint alarm of the ECDIS.
The Conning Display is an optional system component or an optional display mode on the MFD.
This information is not relevant for systems without TRACKPILOT.