User's Manual

Table Of Contents
NACOS Platinum
ED 3100 G 140 / 04 (2011-11)
Operating Instructions
V-2 Alarm Management
V / 10.11.11
Heading Valid
The compass system is again sending valid data.
Special feature: The alarm is distributed over the entire system. Acknowledgement is possible on
any MFD.
Low Position Quality
The selected position sensor has reported a greater position-deviation than is usual for this type of
Special feature: The warning is distributed over the entire system.
Remedy: Check the position sensor; select some other position sensor.
New POSN Sensor Selected
The sensor selection for the connected position sensors is operating in AUTO mode and the previ-
ously used sensor is invalid or data are no longer received via the sensor interface. The new selected
sensor is indicated with its data, status and mode in the position instrument display.
If you want to use another sensor than the automatically selected one, you must go to manual
selection mode by a click on the required sensor in the position sensor menu. A reactivation of AUTO
mode can only be done by the operator (Click on AUTO in the menu).
New HDG Sensor Selected
The sensor selection for the connected heading sensors is operating in AUTO mode and the previ-
ously used sensor is invalid or data are no longer received via the sensor interface. The new selected
sensor is indicated with its data, status and mode in the heading instrument display.
If you want to use another sensor than the automatically selected one, you must go to manual
selection mode by a click on the required sensor in the heading sensor menu. A reactivation of AUTO
mode can only be done by the operator (Click on AUTO in the menu).
New SOG Sensor Selected
The sensor selection for the connected SOG sensors is operating in AUTO mode and the previously
used sensor is invalid or data are no longer received via the sensor interface. The new selected
sensor is indicated with its data, status and mode in the SOG instrument display.
If you want to use another sensor than the automatically selected one, you must go to manual
selection mode by a click on the required sensor in the SOG sensor menu. A reactivation of AUTO
mode can only be done by the operator (Click on AUTO in the menu).
New STW Sensor Selected
The sensor selection for the connected STW sensors is operating in AUTO mode and the previously
used sensor is invalid or data are no longer received via the sensor interface. The new selected
sensor is indicated with its data, status and mode in the STW instrument display.
If you want to use another sensor than the automatically selected one, you must go to manual
selection mode by a click on the required sensor in the STW sensor menu. A reactivation of AUTO
mode can only be done by the operator (Click on AUTO in the menu).
This alarm can only appear if activated on service level; it is required for ships with DNV NAUT-AW approval.