User's Manual

Table Of Contents
ED 3100 G 140 / 04 (2011-11)
Operating Instructions
V-2 Alarm Management
V / 10.11.11
NACOS Platinum
No Valid Position Sensor
The position sensor selection is working in AUTO mode and has temporarily switched to dead reck-
oning (DR) mode,
The DCU connected to the system has failed. Acknowledgement is possible on any
Special feature: As soon as possible the system will automatically switch to a valid position sensor
and deactivate this warning.
Remedy: Check/repair the the connected position sensors.
No WGS84 Position in Use
The selected position sensor
- is no longer reporting the WGS84 position datum
- is reporting another position datum than WGS84.
As a consequence the indicated and plotted positions could have deviations to the WGS84 system.
Remedy: Check the position sensor and the data sentences transmitted to NACOS. Ensure correct
transmission of the position datum sentence.
Position Invalid
The selected position sensor is sending invalid position data. Another position sensor will have to be
selected by the operator. During the transition period, the system determines the position by dead
reckoning (i.e. is internally temporarily switched to Estimated Position).
Special features: The alarm is distributed over the entire system. Acknowledgement is possible on
any MFD.
Position Timeout
Data are no longer being received from the selected position sensor,
The DCU connected to the system has failed.
Another position sensor will have to be selected by the operator. During the transition period, the
system determines the position by dead reckoning.
Special features: The alarm is distributed over the entire system. Acknowledgement is possible on
any MFD.
Position Valid
The position sensor which had given the Position Invalid or Position Timeout alarm is again
sending valid data again.
Special features: The warning is distributed over the entire system. Acknowledgement is possible
on any MFD.