User's Manual

Table Of Contents
NACOS Platinum
ED 3100 G 140 / 04 (2011-11)
Operating Instructions
I-5 NACOS Platinum Graphical User Interface
I / 10.11.11
5.5 Tabbed Panels
In the NACOS Platinum applications, information are in many cases grouped on so-called tabbed panels.
Tabbed panels are screen pages which are arranged on top of each other like a pile of paper sheets.
The tabs identify the panels, and they are used to navigate through the panels. The picture below shows
an example:
Fig. I / 25 Example: Machinery screen with tabbed panels in three frames
The active tab is displayed in the foreground, and it is highlighted, which is e.g. indicated by a blue tab.
The active tabbed panel has the so-called focus. That means that editing, e.g. entering values or
adjusting the display, is only possible on that active tab. The other tabs are displayed as grey text sepa-
rated with a vertical line. When you click on a hidden tab in the background, it is brought to the fore-
ground and becomes the active tab. See table I / 25 above. You can also press [CTRL]+[TAB] on the
keyboard repeatedly to switch from tab to tab. In a multiple-frame-view, the other frames, which do not
have the focus, the front tabs are still highlighted by a grey tab but you will see that only one tab will
be active and have the focus.
Active Tab Behaviour when Switching to Different Layouts
When you switch to a new layout type using the buttons (Layout Selector)
the active tab has the following behaviour. If you switch to a layout type that has...
- One more frame: the new frame becomes the active frame.
- Two or three additional frames: the current active frame stays the active frame.
- The same number of frames: the current active frame moves along with the switching behaviour.
- Less frames: the current active frame remains the active frame unless it is the one which is closed.
In that case the horizontally adjacent frame becomes active.
In all cases the active tabbed panel will be highlighted, indicated by the blue tab.
Active Tab
Foremost Tab
Other Tabs
Layout Selector