User's Manual

Table Of Contents
ED 3100 G 140 / 04 (2011-11)
Operating Instructions
I-5 NACOS Platinum Graphical User Interface
I / 10.11.11
NACOS Platinum
5.10.1 Pointers in RADAR and ECDIS
You will find the following specific types of pointers in the RADAR and ECDIS applications:
Table I / 7 RADAR and ECDIS pointers
Pointer Explanation
Standard pointer when you are not pointing at an any specific object on
screen in the application area but when you point at menus, fields and
other controls in the sidebar, in dialogues, or in frames showing lists etc.
Precision select
Standard pointer when you are not pointing at an any specific object on
screen in the application area.
Cross hair
Cross hair– one target:
When the mouse pointer is over one target, the cross hair pointer indicates
that the target can be acquired. A single left click acquires the target.
cross hair – multiple targets:
When the mouse pointer is over multiple targets, the cross hair pointer indi-
cates that the targets can be acquired. A single left click opens a menu that
displays the relevant acquisition options (for instance Acquire RADAR,
Acquire AIS, Acquire Both, Escape)
When the mouse pointer is over an acquired target a box around the target
indicates that it is already acquired and properties / data of the target can
be accessed. A single right click displays the properties in a tooltip or
popup. This popup should automatically hide after a few seconds.
Position indication
When you move the pointer
over the RADAR PPI or the
ECDIS display, then the
respective position is indicated
in a text box together with
range and bearing.
Pointing hand
When the mouse pointer is over a clickable object, the pointing hand indi-
cates that the object is clickable. Both left and right clicks can have an
, ,
When the mouse pointer is over a moveable object, for example a "handle"
of a variable range marker, the arrows indicate the direction in which the
handle of the object can be moved.