Operation Manual

To access the Threshold parameter, press the GATE
switch until you see the menu, Gate Th. The Gate
Threshold can be set from –100 dB to 0 dB.
To access the Release parameter, press the GATE switch
until you see the menu, Gate Rel. The Gate Release time
can be set from 50 to 100 % (equivalent to 2 to 15 sec-
Using the DELAY
The D3500 offers an on board Digital Delay for setting up
delay clusters in large venue sound systems. The Delay
can be set from 0 to 85 milliseconds. Setting the delay is
a simple procedure which can be accomplished by follow-
ing the next few steps:
Press the DELAY switch so that the yellow LED is lit.
Engage the effect by pressing the IN / OUT switch until
the yellow LED lights.
Now, use the Data Wheel to select the correct delay
time for your application.
Using the ENHANCER
The D3500 has a unique digital Enhancer, which can help
sweeten a sound system, and at the same time, reduce
unwanted noise. The D3500’s Enhancer uses several
powerful algorithms to analyze the signal content and
then decide how to enhance the signal; based on that
content. If the D3500 Enhancer senses that there is music
playing with good high frequency content, it will slightly
boost these frequencies creating sweet and airy top-end
response. When the D3500 Enhancer sees that there is lit-
tle or no high-frequency content, it will slightly reduce the
high-frequency response of the system. This can be espe-
cially useful since often when the high-frequency content
is very low, or off, the only thing you hear is system hiss.
The Enhancer will recognize the noise and reduce it by
cutting the associated EQ filters automatically.
Operating the D3500
Once the highs return, the Enhance releases automatically.
Of course the D3500 lets you dial up just the right amount
of Enhancer for your project, so follow the steps below to
activate the Enhancer.
Press the ENHANCE switch so that the yellow LED is lit.
Engage the effect by pressing the IN / OUT switch until
the yellow LED lights.
Now, use the Data Wheel to select the correct Enhancer
setting, from 0 to 100%, thats right for your application.
Setting an EQ Contour Using the HP / LP
The D3500 includes digital High-pass and Low-pass filters
for creating quick equalization curve contours. A Hi-pass
filter, sometimes called a low-cut filter, is used to attenuate
the frequencies below are certain point. The HP filter pass-
es the highs, but cuts the lows. A Low-pass filter, some-
times referred to as a high-cut filter, is used to attenuate
the frequencies above a certain frequency point. The LP
filter passed the lows, but cuts the highs.
You can use the High and Low pass filters for a variety of
applications. Using the High-pass filter can be especially
useful in removing the low frequencies that can some
times cause stage rumble. If you have a lot of high fre-
quency system noise and hiss, you can use the Low-pass
filter to roll-off the high-end of your system. When equal-
izing a monitor system, you may use both the HP and LP
filters to roll-off the high and lows for a vocal eq contour.
Any good high and low-pass filters will allow you to
choose the cut-off frequency, and also, the Order, or slope,
at which the filter will attenuate. The D3500 lets you set
the frequency at which the HP or LP filters cut from, and
they will also let you choose slope of either 6, 12 or 18 db
per octave.
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