User's Manual

Machine status and advanced features_ 56
Emulation Type You can select the machine language. If the
languages from the computer and the machine
are different, the printing quality can not be
confirmed. It is recommended to set this menu to
Auto to switch the proper language.
Setup PCL
This menu sets the PCL emulation configuration.
You can set the font type, symbol type, lines per
page, and font size.
eface: You can select the standard font
to be used in PCL emulation. PCL1~PCL15's
interval between letters is fixed, and
PCL16~PCL86's interval is proportional to
the font type and font size. You can adjust
the font size of PCL1~PCL15 using the Pitch
item, and PCL16~PCL86 can do using Point
Size item.
Symbol: This item selects the symbol set to
be u
sed in PCL emulation. The symbol is the
group of numbers, marks, and special signs
being used when printing letters. Depending
on the Typeface setting, available symbol
sets vary.
Point Size: When you select one between
and PCL86 from the Typeface menu,
you can determine the font size by setting
the height of the characters in the font.
Courier: This item lets you select the
version of Courier font
to use.
Pitch: When you select one between PCL1
and PCL15 from the Typeface menu, you
can determine the font size by setting the
number of characters that will print in one
horizontal inch of type. The default value, 10
is the best size.
nes: This item allows you to set vertical
spacing from 5 to 128 lines for the default
paper size. The default number of lines may
differ according to the paper size and printing
(CLP-670 Series only)
This menu provides you with the Print PS Error
menu item. You can select whether or not your
printer prints an error list when a PS error
occurs. Select On to print PS 3 emulation errors.
If an error occurs, the job stops processing, the
error message prints, and the printer deletes all
the jobs. If this menu is set to Off, the jobs are
deleted without an indication of the error.
Altitude Adj. Print quality is affected by atmospheric
pressure. The atmospheric pressure is
determined by the height of the machine above
sea level. This feature lets you adjust the
altitude in a height district. (See "Altitude
adjustment" on page 34
Auto CR This option allows you to append the required
carriage return to each line feed, which is useful
to the UNIX user or DOS user.
Job Timeout You can set the amount of time a single print job
is active before it must print. The machine
handles incoming data as a single job, if it
comes in within the specified time. When an
error occurs while processing data from the
computer and the data flow stops, the machine
waits the specified amount of time and then
cancels printing if data flow does not resume.
Maintenance This menu allows you to maintain consumables
within the machine and check supplies' life. You
can clean fuser components.
Clear Settings This menu item allows you to restore the
printer's factory default settings.