User's Manual

“You could register the Master card and user PIN code/card after changing default Master PIN
code and user PIN code.”
Basic Functions
1. Initialization
1.1 User Initialization
All registered User data(user PIN Code/Card) will be deleted, and Super User PIN Code is
set to ‘5678’. The Master data and Paring information aren’t delete.
Press the [REG] button.
Press the [*] button af
ter pressing
the [4] button.
Press the [*] button af
ter pressing
the [3] button.
Enter a Ma
ster PIN Code or Super User PIN Code, and pres
s the [*] button.
Master Initialization(Reset to Factory Default)
All registered Master/User data will be deleted, and Master PIN Code is set to ‘1234’, User
PIN Code is set to ‘5678’. Also Paring information is deleted.
Press the [REG] button.
Press the [*] button af
ter pressing
the [4] button.
Press the [*] button af
ter pressing
the [1] button.
Enter a Ma
ster PIN Code, and press the
[*] button.
2. Changing the Master PIN Code
Press the [REG] button.
Press the [*] button af
ter pressing
the [1] button.
Press the [*] button af
ter pressing
the [2] button.
Enter the cu
rrent Master PIN Code, and press the [*] button.(default
Enter the ne
w Master PIN Code, and press the [*] button.(4~10digits