User guide

Section 5
Enter characters while in ABC mode by pressing the key that
contains the desired characters for “H”.
Press the key repeatedly to cycle through other available
characters for that key.
Pause briefly when the desired character appears in the display
to accept the character and therefore insert it into the
Press to enter a space.
To cycle between uppercase, lower case, and initial caps for
characters in ABC mode, briefly press .
Entering Symbols
Symbol mode enables you to enter symbols such as @ or%
into a text message.
1. In Standby Mode, press the left soft key Message,
New TXT Msg to compose a new text message.
2. Enter the phone number of the recipient, then press the
down navigation key to enter text.
3. Press the left soft key Abc to display a pop-up menu
containing the following options.
Word: Choose from the factory provided words or add to
your personal dictionary.
Abc: Enter text with initial capitalization at the beginning of
each sentence.
ABC: Enter text in all capital letters.
123: Enter numbers.
Symbols: Allows you to enter symbols.