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Good’sleep is recommended for :
Those with sensitive skin to
Those who suffer from insomnia. Those who worry about energy
Samsung's Good'sleep ensures your environment stays at the most comfortable temperature
with automatic moisture adjustment to guarantee a good night's sleep.
Optimal temperatures for a good night's sleep!
Deep sleep for
a refreshed wake up
Hydrogen ions generated in the MPI device bond with electrons(e)
which forms active hydrogen while oxygen in the air bond with elec-
trons to form oxygen ions. Then the active hydrogen and oxygen ions
are released into the room
Biological contaminants
and various pathogens such as bacteria,
viruses, and molds are removed.
Micro Plasam Ion
The Auto Roof Shutter keeps
dirt from getting inside.
Auto Roof Shutter
Exogenous endocrine-disrupting
chemicals, hazardous materials,
and other harmful chemicals are removed.
DNA filter & 5 step filter
The Samsung air conditioner is
all what you need to keep your air consistently
clean and fresh.
Micro Plasma Ion neutralizes Viruses,
Bacteria and Allegens
Micro Plasma Ion decomposes
Active Oxygen(OH Radical)
Removes Biological contaminants. Controls active oxygen.
The atoms and ions bond with hydrogen
on the surface of the harmful particles and
destroy the protein of the membrane.
The harmful particle decomposes and the atom
and ion, which bonded with the hydrogen of
the particles, change into harmless water.
And changes into harmless water.
Enjoy a pleasant night's sleep
The Good'sleep II increases the sleep efficiency
compared with competitors.
*Test results for cooling mode. *Test results for cooling mode. *Test results for cooling mode.
The Good'sleep II keeps your skin comfort-
able throughout the night with precise tempera-
ture control.
The Good'sleep II reduces up to 30% of
electricity consumption compared with a normal
cooling mode.
Sleep efficiency Pleasant Skin Temperature Energy Saving
Best Temperature for deep sleep
Cooling Mode
Falling asleep Wake upSound Sleep
Heating Mode
Falling asleep Wake upSound Sleep
According to the stage of sleep, temperatures are adjusted so you fall into deep sleep
faster and get up more refreshed in the morning for a great start to your day.
1. Falling asleep stage : Eases you into sleep by dropping the temperature.
2. Sound sleep stage : Relaxes your body and raises your temperature slightly.
3. Wake up stage : Allows you to wake up from comfortable intermittent air and it makes you feel refresh.
General Cooling mode (26
Good’sleep mode
35.8% 95%
25.4% 84%