User guide

Mobile Web 67
Using links
Links have several purposes, such as jumping to a different
page, to a different site, or even initiating a phone call. Links
are shown inside of brackets ([ ]). You can normally use the
left soft key ( ) to select a link when it is highlighted.
Place a call while using Mobile Web
You may place a phone call from Mobile Web if the site you
are using supports this feature (the phone number may be
highlighted and the left soft key ( ) is labeled
Call). Press
the left soft key ( )
Call to call the number. In most cases
you can also press to call the number. The Internet
connection terminates when you initiate the call. After you
end the call, your phone returns to standby mode.
Press before entering text to enable
upper case characters (in Abc mode).
0/Next Key
Press to enter a zero (0), or to display
another word in the dictionary when in
T9 Word entry mode.
Press to insert a space when
entering text.
Numbers 1
thru 9
Use the number keys to select items in
a menu if they are numbered.
Press to exit the Mobile Web and return
the phone to standby mode.
Left Soft Key
Press to activate the command that
appears above it in the display.
Right Soft Key
Press to activate the command that
appears above it in the display.
Press to dial a highlighted number.
Key Name Function Page 67 Wednesday, May 26, 2004 11:58 AM