Installation manual

4.2 MEM Card Indications
After verifying proper operation of the power supply, visually check the MEM
card indications. Now turn on your system. The LED should flicker rapidly,
indicating that the main processor is functioning.
Now turn the battery switch to the ON position.(Failure to do so may result in a
loss of programming during a power failure.)
The system is equipped with a halt program. When this program is running, the
LED is ON steady. The system must be reset to release the halt program and
restore the system to normal operation. See MMC 810 in the DCS Compact-II
Programming Manual for operation of the halt program.
4.3 PCB Verification
Before connecting all MDF cabling, plug in a test cable to the first DLI port.
Connect a display set and verify that it is working. Use maintenance program
MMC 727 to verify the system version and software version and that all cards are
recognized by the CPU. Remove the test cable and plug in all amphenol-type
cables to the MDF. Proceed with the rest of the installation.
4.4 Default Trunk and Station Numbering
Upon initial power up, the CPU reads each slot for the existence of a card and
identifies the type of card. It stores this as the default configuration.
The system assigns trunk numbers from 701 onwards. Stations are assigned
numbers 201 onwards. Keyset daughter boards are assigned numbers 301 to 308.
Default data assigns the keyset in the lowest port to the operator group and all
trunks ring that station until default is changed.
Station and trunk numbers can be changed, rearranged and reassigned as needed
using MMC 724.
DCS Compact II INSTALLATION MANUAL Chapter 4. Power Up Procedures
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