
Tour of the Remote Control Tour of the Remote Control
i DVD Function Buttons
1. DVD POWER Button
Turnsthe DVD player'spoweronor off.
2. NUMBER Buttons
3. PROG Button
Allowsyou to programa specific order.
4. LREPLAY Button
This functionis used to replaythe previous 10
secondsof the moviefrom the current position.
5. STEP button
Advances play one frame at a time.
6. VOL +h buttons
Control volumes.
7.TVNIDEO button
Pressto display all of the evailablevideo sources
( i.e., TV,Cable,Video)
8. SEARCH/SKIP buttons (_ / _-, HN / !_1)
Allowsyou to searchforward/beckwardthrough
a disc. Useto skip the tifie, chapteror track.
9. STOP button (m)
10. MENU button (rm)
Brings up the DVDplayer's setup menu.
11. RETURN button (O)
Returnsto a previousmenu.
12. BOOKMARK button
Use this to save a favoritescene within a movie.
13.3D SOUND button
Pressthisto listento 3D surroundSOundthrough
two existing stereospeakers.
14. SUBTITLE button
Press this to switchthe DVD'ssubtitle language.
15. AUDIO button
Use this buttonto access various audiofunctions
on a disc.
16.TV POWER button
Turnsthe TV's poweron or off.
17. CLEAR button
Use to removemenusor status displaysfrom the
18. I.SKIP button
This function skips playbackahead 10seconds.
19. CH^/vbuttons
20. OPEN/CLOSE (A) button
To open and close thedisc tray.
21. PLAY/PAUSE ( Ibll ) button
Begin_ause disc play.
22. INFO button
Displaysthe current disc mode.
23. DISC MENU button
Brings up the Discmenu.
24. DIRECTION buttons
(UP/DOWN or LEFT/RIGHT buttons)
This buttonfunctions as atoggfa switch.
25. ENTER button
26. ZOOM button
Enlarges DVDpicture.
27. S.FIT button
AllOwsyouto eliminatethe bfack bars inthetop
and bottom ofthe screen whena movie ispfaying.
28. REPEAT button
Allowsyou to repeat a title,chapter,trackordisc.
29. ANGLE button
Use to access various cameraangles on a DVD.
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